Stainsby Grange

Results for February 15th 2023

Wednesday night unaffiliated showjumping

X poles 

1st millie rose baxter and little miss
2nd Isabelle French and Sandy 
3rd Tilly porch and grace
4th alexandra Bradburn and joy 
5th Mia harker and Tina
6th Alex bainbridge and Dottie 


1st India sweeting and magic 
2nd grace littlewood and lemon 
3rd Erin Hodgson and angel 
4th chsrlotte Notman and Bob 
5th Tilly porch and grace 
6th Harrison Mc naught and blue 

70 cms 

1st Hayley Dixon and thea 
2nd Lucy Webb and finn 
3rd India sweeting and magic 

80 cms 

1st Hayley Dixon and thea 
2nd Lizzie Walker and Molly 
3rd Becca leybourne and fifi


1st phoebe Willis and Dexter 
2nd Morgan Henderson and Chester 
3rd Lizzie Walker and Molly

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